SOFIC 2022

Last week, the team at Giesler LLC attended the National Defense Industrial Association’s (NDIA) Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) that took place May 16-19, 2022 in Tampa, Florida. It was an exciting week full of information on the latest trends in the industry, new technologies, and meeting amazing people supporting the Department of Defense.
NDIA began as a merger of the American Defense Preparedness Association (ADPA) and the National Security Industrial Association (NSIA) in 1997. The newly renamed National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) grew with the continued mission of advancing the national defense industrial base with the most modern military technology using the knowledge and experience of the military, government, industry, and academic members.
Today, NDIA is a non-partisan, non-profit, educational association that includes over 1,700 corporate (including Giesler!) and 63,900 individual members. Their mission statement includes three major points:
Champion issues that contribute to the strength, resiliency, and capacity of the defense industrial base
Build a vigorous, responsive, and collaborative community in support of Defense and National Security
Convene legal and ethical forums for the exchange of ideas, information, view points, and capabilities
Additionally, NDIA promotes six strategic priorities:
Educate and Promote Budget Stability
Foster Small Business Success
Gain Acquisition Agility and Regulatory Modernization
Promote Innovation in Technology and Process
Expand Security Cooperation and Interoperability
Act as a Thought Leader to Strengthen the Defense Industrial Base and Workforce
To support their mission, NDIA hosts several events throughout the year, including the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC). It is one of the biggest opportunities for the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community to interact, collaborate, and learn about the latest technologies.
This Year Giesler joined a record-breaking 16,000-plus attendees from more than 100 countries. It included 585 exhibitors, displaying products and services from high-tech vehicles to the latest aircraft and gear. Events included a Keynote from GEN Richard Clarke, Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), a Large Business Senior Industry Executive Forum (SIEF), USSOCOM Awards, a mock rescue event, one-on-one sessions, among many more.
It was a pleasure to meet so many people at SOFIC. We are looking forward to another conference soon!

Rosa Daniels, Alex Boucher, Herman Archibald, and Patricia Giesler

Rosa Daniels, Alex Boucher, Herman Archibald, and Patricia Giesler